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  • Writer's pictureAaron Hutchinson

Ag Leaders: Discover the Future of Farm Data Management at Western Growers' Annual Meeting

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

November 11, 2023

As an influential member of the agricultural community, you know the importance of leveraging farm data to drive smarter decisions. That's why you need to connect with Lighthouse.Ag at the upcoming Western Growers' Annual Meeting in Kauai.

Lighthouse.Ag is an exciting new AgTech distribution company that provides a strategic mix of consulting and cutting-edge third-party tools to help agricultural leaders capitalize on farm data, by consolidating and analyzing disparate data sources, Lighthouse.Ag enables you to uncover transformative insights to improve profitability, sustainability, and more.

The possibilities are endless with a data-driven approach. But Lighthouse.Ag makes it doable through their experienced team and customized solutions. Meet founder Aaron Magenheim at the Western Growers' meeting this week to discuss how Lighthouse.Ag can empower your operation with data-based decision-making.

The entire industry now recognizes data as the key to future success, Lighthouse.Ag puts you at the forefront. Connect with AaronM@Lighthouse.Ag today to learn how their innovative distribution model can give you an unfair advantage through more intelligent data utilization. The future of farming is data-driven - partner with Lighthouse.Ag today.

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